35-days until the National Park Service Centennial

July 21st, 2016 brings us 35-days away from the National Park Service Centennial. In this edition of the #CentennialCountdown we go back 35-years to 1981.

In 1981, Secretary of the Interior James Watt, said the following: 

"The challenge to the Service in the 1980's, and my charge to you as Director, is to assure that the funding and staffing available to you in a time of reduced Federal expenditures are applied to achieve the most benefit for visitors to the most heavily visited parks, being always mindful of the preservation of park resources. I am particularly concerned that you give priority to protecting and maintaining the "crown jewels," the internationally known, unique natural parks in the system."

Unfortunately his words still apply today. Funding and staffing is still an issue, with more focus being placed on the crown jewels. The centennial has been wonderful for bringing focus to the parks, but what happens next. What happens in the 101st anniversary when the parks aren't as well remembered?